Day 11: Warner Springs to Cliff over look above Lost Valley Spring
Mile 119
Ever really want a shower? The thought of a shower was an overwhelming desire since we hadn't had one since Day Four. What amenities did the great Warner Springs have? Well a five gallon Home Depot bucket and a pitcher with access to hot water. Ben and I stripped down in small wooden stalls next to each other disrobed and that's when the wind kicked up!! We hysterically chattered our teeth while trying to enjoy the water. The most wanted shower was an expedited experience we about froze our tidley bits off!
Then we used that same bucket to wash our clothes. I was the heavy duty washer and Ben the rinse cycle. We then hung them out on the line to dry but not early enough in the day to actually get them all dry. So that next morning was a chilly one. We are now thinking we could thrive as laundromat owners, just kidding!! If you know us you know we both would rather do anything but laundry!!
Mile 119
Ever really want a shower? The thought of a shower was an overwhelming desire since we hadn't had one since Day Four. What amenities did the great Warner Springs have? Well a five gallon Home Depot bucket and a pitcher with access to hot water. Ben and I stripped down in small wooden stalls next to each other disrobed and that's when the wind kicked up!! We hysterically chattered our teeth while trying to enjoy the water. The most wanted shower was an expedited experience we about froze our tidley bits off!
Then we used that same bucket to wash our clothes. I was the heavy duty washer and Ben the rinse cycle. We then hung them out on the line to dry but not early enough in the day to actually get them all dry. So that next morning was a chilly one. We are now thinking we could thrive as laundromat owners, just kidding!! If you know us you know we both would rather do anything but laundry!!